IPA/IGC Workshop (Lusaka, Zambia)
Researchers Gunther Fink and Kelsey Jack present, with IPA Zambia Country Director Rachna Nag Chowduri
From March 22-24, IPA Zambia and the International Growth Centre (IGC) held a series of dissemination events to present the preliminary results of The Impact of Food and Cash Loans on Smallholder Farmers in Zambia. The events included a targeted discussion with relevant government and non-government stakeholders and a public dissemination event, as well as a local dissemination event in Chipata, the location of the evaluation. IPA Zambia is planning follow-up discussions with organizations that expressed interest after the event in how the evaluation’s results can inform programs and areas for further research, including One Acre Fund, Financial Sector Deepening, World Vision, Catholic Relief Services, and the World Bank.